Edge Synchronization

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Edge Synchronization

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/11/2002 - 18:14. Developers
I have a problem throughout my application where I receive the following error

Name form10
Class XmForm
Abandoned edge synchronization after 10000 iterations.
Check for contradictory constraints on the children of this Form widget.

I had solved this a few years back but forgot how. I have played with XmNnoResize, XmNresizable, XmNrecomputeSize and have not figured out the right combination. Does anyone have any good feedback with this?



I think you are changing the wrong set of resources. You should be looking to change resources whose value is a widget -- the XmN*attachment resources. At some point, you should discover that there is a circular dependency such that two widgets name each other for the primary or for the secondary attachment. That is, widget A names B for its right attachment, and B names A for its left attachment, both with attachment types of ATTACH_WIDGET. Typically, one should have been ATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET to begin with.