Colour / Color names

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Colour / Color names

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 08/29/2002 - 11:28. Developers
In the users resource file the system allows diferent widgets in different sub applications to have differenciating colours.


APPLICATION*Toggles.foreground Blue

Obviously this works in general.

The problem is in the colour names. I had made the assumption that rgb.txt would hold the definitive list of names. Under some desktops under Linux some names are not allocated, e.g magenta, SlateGray etc and under US and UK spelling, capatalised etc.

So question given that colour is effectively login specific how can I / the user know what are valid colour resource names?

I have scanned for other rgb type files and grepped for working names etc but with little conclusion.

If anyone can provide insight I would be delighted.


There is no standard for names. It is a client-side, system-specific file.

Ideally, your users would be specifying colors as Xcms or RGBi strings, or even as "#"-prefixed values. But that is asking a lot of users.

It really is up to the user to set these to valid values.

While there is a hole in functionality here, users usually use the rgb.txt from the X11 release, which is effectively the standard.


Thanks david / dbl. I agree it is an area that does require some formalisation, hence our move to use resources and externalise the colour control. . However, now is now.

Realistically application users do not have the inclination, will or skill to go down to op sys edit level. So how do I as the "administrator" point the users profile to use a colour map of my choice. ( X11*/rgb.txt). Is there an environment variable such as XAPPLRESDIR? How to we gain control?