Button Images...

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Button Images...


I have created a Pulldown menu for my application and I am wanting to add images to the buttons (MenuItems). How do a I do this? I have looked at the Manual and there is not much information on this. So any helped would be appreciated.

C. Lamb



I have figured out how to get the picture on the button, and I know how to place the the text on the button.

How to I place the picture and text on the button together?

C. Lamb



You have three choices

1) Use the XmPushButton or XmDrawnButton with XmNlabelType set to XmPIXMAP, with the text rendered into the pixmap.

2) Use the XmPushButton or XmDrawnButton with XmNlabelType set to XmSTRING, with the pixmap as the background pixmap.

3) Use the XiIconButton or another widget that understands how to display both text and pixmap simultaneously.