Another Right Mouse Events Question....

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Another Right Mouse Events Question....

I have found examples where I can do the following to display a PopupMenu...

static void popupcallback(blah,blah)
static Widget popup = (Widget)NULL;

if (NULL == popup)
/* create it here via XmCreatePopupMenu */

/* and proceed to create the popup */

However... routine is called via XmNactivateCallback set on a button, etc.

Since I can`t set this on a Form or Shell, how do I capture the event on a Form or Shell so that I can create the menu on the fly. Since I have created my dialog and and have several layered forms I am assuming the action would have to be set up for each layer.

Is there a list of Callback routines for Forms, Dialogs, or Shells?

Anyway, I have tried calling XmNpopupCallback for the Shell.
This apparently is not getting called; however, the TopLevel shell was what I was using as the parent.

C. Lamb


Use XtAddEventHandler for Btn3Down



Thanks dbl for assisting in turning on the light bulb. >)
That was much easier.

C. Lamb