Palette Objects

Depending on the currently selected language and the platform on which you are running Builder Xcessory, the Palette icons correspond to the following objects:

Palette object icons

· Motif Xm widgets

· ViewKit ObjectPak Vk objects

· EnhancementPak Xi widgets

· Java AWT objects

· DEC DXm widgets (available only on DEC UNIX platforms)

· SGI Sgm widgets (available only on SGI platforms)

· Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Dt widgets (available only on platforms with CDE and BX CDE support)

Palette object icons table

The following table lists the objects displayed for specific platforms and languages:




Motif Xm widgets


C++, C, ViewKit, and UIL

EnhancementPak Xi widgets


C++, C, ViewKit, and UIL

ViewKit ObjectPak Vk objects


ViewKit only

Java Awt objects


Java only

DEC DXm widgets


C++, C, ViewKit, and UIL

SGI Sgm widgets


C++, C, ViewKit, and UIL

CDE Dt widgets

AIX, Solaris, HP-UX 10+, and DEC UNIX 4

C++, C, ViewKit, and UIL

Other Palette collections

The Palette can also include user-created collections of objects, other widget sets, and user-created classes. Refer toPalette Objects and for more detailed information about the available objects. The following sections show the Palette groups displayed according to the language you select.

Motif Widgets

The Motif widgets are displayed on the Palette for all platforms and for all languages except Java:

Motif Palette Icons (for C, C++, ViewKit or UIL)

EnhancementPak Widgets

BX PRO users

By default, the BX PRO Palette includes the EnhancementPak widgets.

Builder Xcessory users

Start with EPak Widgets must be set on the Behavior tab of the User Preferences dialog to display the EnhancementPak icons. See Behavior toggle options for more detailed information.

Note: You can use the EnhancementPak widgets in your interface, but you must purchase the EnhancementPak library to compile any interface built with the EnhancementPak widgets. Contact your ICS Sales Representative for more information.

The EnhancementPak widgets are displayed on the Palette for all platforms and for all languages except Java:

EnhancementPak Palette Icons (for C, C++, ViewKit, or UIL)

ViewKit ObjectPak Classes

Note: If you are using BX PRO, you can use and compile the ViewKit ObjectPak objects in your interface. If you are using Builder Xcessory, you can use the ViewKit objects, but you must purchase the ViewKit ObjectPak library to compile any interface built with ViewKit ObjectPak objects. Contact your ICS Sales Representative for more information.

The ViewKit ObjectPak classes are added to the Palette for all platforms, but only when you select ViewKit as the current language:

ViewKit Palette Icons (for ViewKit only)

Java AWT Objects

Note: Only Java objects are available on the Palette when you select Java as the current language.

The following Java objects are displayed on the Palette for all platforms, but only when you select Java as the current language:

Java Palette Icons (for Java only)

Code generated objects

In some cases, non-visual objects are required to set resources. The following objects are not on the Palette, but are created when Builder Xcessory generates code:

· BorderLayout

· FlowLayout

· CardLayout

· GridLayout

· GridBagLayout

· GridBagConstraints

· CheckBoxGroup

These objects supply additional resources in the Resource Editor for the associated object.

