Class Member Editor

In Classes View, the Resource Editor displays the Class Members of the currently selected class instead of resources. Class Members are distinguished by their type (Data or Method) and scope (Public, Private, or Protected). Use the Class Member Editor to specify multiple members in each category, and add or edit Members.

Click the (...) button to the right of the Class Methods and Data text field to display the Class Member Editor:

Class Member Editor for a Class Method

Data and Method toggles

Use these toggles at the top of the Class Member Editor to select Data or Method mode.

Other fields and toggles allow you to assign the type, name, and other attributes such as the member's scope.

Note: The attribute selections available on the Scope, Polymorphism, and Other Attributes tab panels vary depending on the currently selected code generation language.

Some cross-checking of selections occurs so that inappropriate selections are disabled. For example, if you are using C++ code generation, an initial static value is unavailable for methods and is disabled.

Parameter fields

Parameter fields are available only when you select Method mode. For Data mode, the parameter fields are hidden. Static data members can provide initial values. For methods, the parameter fields allow you to enter argument types, parameter names, and, for C++ code generation, default values.

Note: The Class Member Editor is a valuable tool for specifying language-specific attributes to each added class member. However, although some cross-checking is performed to confirm the compatibility of your selections, the cross-checking is not exhaustive and is not intended to be a robust language checker.

User Code Blocks, methods, and data members

Member methods and data can also be inserted directly into the User Code Blocks of the class file. These edits are not visible or editable in the Resource Editor. Because they are inside User Code Blocks, they are retained when the files are regenerated.

