XIO: fatal IO error 22

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XIO: fatal IO error 22

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/17/2001 - 20:39. Developers
I work on a project developing a display for a sonar system. After we have run our system for a length of time the display will randomly crash and in the .xsession-errors file I get the following error message
XIO fatal IO error 22 (Invalid argument) on X server "0.0"
after 74,341,118 requests (74,340,914 known processed)
with 0 events remaining

II have no clue as to what is causing this or where to even look. If someone could give me any information about ths error or where to find information on XIO error I would appreciate it very very much.


For starters, you can use XSetIOErrorHandler and set a breakpoint in the function.