traversal involving an obscured text box

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traversal involving an obscured text box

Submitted by jbreazeale on Wed, 05/18/2005 - 22:02. General Questions
I have an application on a UnixWare system that has a text box hidden behind a label. The user is able to traverse to the hidden text box and certain events are triggered when this traversal happens. I've ported this same code to RedHat Linux 7.3 with a 2.4-22 kernel, XFree86-4.2.1-13.73.23 and openmotif-2.2.2-5. I find that the hidden text box is not part of the traversal list, so at the critical point when the user arrows down the desired events are not triggered. I know I can come up with a way to handle this situation in the application, but I wonder if there's some switch somewhere that needs a value that will cause an obscured text box to be part of the traversal order. The more I type the more I think this is really an Xt issue, but on the other hand perhaps not.

Thank you in advance for any helpful advice you give toward resolving this issue!


Why are you saying this? Please pardon me if my nomenclature isn't precise. If I'm not precisely describing what's happening please ask and I will attempt to clarify.

I have implemented the workaround -- it turns out XmIsTraversable() gave me the ability to know if a widget was traversable and if it wasn't I was able to implement an application-level workaround (rather than have Motif do the work for me).