The render table for XmText

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The render table for XmText

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/23/2002 - 13:04. Developers
i`m a chinese motif developer, when i port motif source code from solaris to Linux RedHat 7.3, i find something wrong with the output of XmText and XmTextField. As i set RenderTable with chinese font to the Widget,the Chinese character just can not display properly, but the rendertable is ok for XmLabel or XmPushbutton and other widgets, i also remember it is ok for RedHat 6.2, i guess it is about XFree86 4.x.
Any one Help me!


The RenderTable is used for the compound strings, also called "XmStrings". The data structure for the XmString includes the text, direction, character set, and rendering information.

The XmText and XmTextField, however, do not use XmStrings. They use the "simple strings" or the wide-character strings -- 8-bit or 16-bit text. You can convert from one to the other using the XmString* functions.

But you can`t get the XmText to display text with the render information. There used to be a widget, the compound-text widget, to do this, but it is no longer in Motif.

To display text with multiple renderings and colors, you may want to use XmHTML or another HTML-rendering widget.