How has XmPrimitive calls changed in 2.1???

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How has XmPrimitive calls changed in 2.1???

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/08/2001 - 23:01. Porting Motif

I`m trying to port a Motif application to Motif 2.1 and
I have a bunch of XmPrimitive calls like

_XmPrimitiveFocusIn(w, event, params, numParams);
_XmPrimitiveFocusOut(w, event, params, numParams);
_XmPrimitiveEnter(w, event, params, numParams);
_XmPrimitiveLeave(w, event, params, numParams);
(XtActionProc) _XmPrimitiveHelp
(XtActionProc) _XmPrimitiveUnmap

These don`t appear to be present in 2.1.

Can someone give me a clue on how I`m
supposed to port these over?

(I think they`re from X11R5.)

Any pointers to any documents (on-line?)
on primitive widget call changes?


John Roberts