Maximum height for XmDrawingArea or another widget?

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Maximum height for XmDrawingArea or another widget?

Is anyone aware of a maximum size of 1024 pixels of any widget?

My little text processor Ted has document windows within an
application shell.
The application shell contains a paned window.
The paned window contains a scrolled window
the scrolled window contains a form
the form contains some drawing areas.

I notice that when the shell gets higher than 1024 pixels,
no resize events are dispatched.
This happens with several XFree versions and with Both
OpenMotif versions.

I have no idea where to look for a solution.
Does anyone have a suggestion?

For those that are interested Source code is available via


There`s certainly a height restriction of 32768, which is what fits into a Dimension type. I don`t know why 1024 would be a trigger, unless that is about the size of your screen, in which case I could imagine that a bug in the window manager neglects resize events.