i need a pushbutton which look like inside

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i need a pushbutton which look like inside

Submitted by wwf on Mon, 01/14/2002 - 11:10. Developers
i want to write a program like paint.
so i need the pushbutton look like
down when it was selected .
in other words ,when i click it ,
the pushbutton is selected ,and it down and
not up till other button was selected .


i think whether there is a kind of resource
which can resolve it ?
for example XmNshadowType?or XmNshadowThickNess


Hi ,
One way I know is this
You can create 2 pixmaps one that looks like the button is not pressed and one that looks like the button is pressed. When needed change the current pixmap to be one of the 2 pixmap?s.
Good luck


Or, you can follow the solution in the comp.windows.x.motif FAQ, which describes an answer to the question "How do I make a Motif XmPushButton which behaves like a toggle button?" The FAQ can be accessed via the page http//www.motifzone.com/resources/other.html .

(Note that there are already some very good paint and draw programs available. If you are doing an exercise, you may want to see how those programs handle their user interfaces.)