Function keys on popup shells

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Function keys on popup shells

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/25/2002 - 18:23. Developers
I am trying to invoke an event handler on a popup shell. These windows have many widgets on them. I have had success on windows that have very few widgets by entering the widget that has the lowest hierarchy as the widget in XtAddEventHandler. Any suggestions?


The mechanism that you are describing as working works only because (1) the widget has already selected for key events (2) it happens to have focus, perhaps by dint of being the only widget in the hierarchy, as you say (3) the particular function key that you are asking for isn`t already being grabbed by the window manager.

The more general mechanism is to make a passive grab on the widget via http// or somesuch.

Note that both the Motif toolkit and mwm typically are already using certain function keys, and you may not be able to make a global grab for a key without conflicting with another application.