Window Positioning

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Window Positioning

I'm trying to write a function which will create a window and center it on a parent window (well, a window to which I have a pointer). Of course, the window manager is causing me problems.
I know, I know... It's not a great idea to be trying to get around the window manager. It's just that I'd really like to do it.
The real issue I'm having is that when I get the size and position of the parent window, I am getting the size and position of the window excluding the title bar and borders. Is there ANY way to get the full size, despite the window manager's reluctance to allow me to get that information?
Thanks in advance.
‹ XtVaCreateManagedWidget hanging system mwm*frameBorderWidth ›

Yuriy Syrota

Obtain the parent window of your "parent widow" with XQueryTree(), and then get its size with XGetGeometry().