Parent resizes to default when child closes

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Parent resizes to default when child closes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 12:07

Greetings and thank you for taking the time to read this and supply
any answers you have!
I've recently been asked to look into a problem with a code segment
that uses Motif, a system that I dont have much familiarity with but
have read the FAQ and a bit in this forum. The code segment was
designed using Sun's Workshop visualizer tool (which bundles in XDesigner), so I have .xd files and the actual code if that matters.
Rather than provide code segments its probably easier if I describe
the problem. I have a parent wiith a button that opens up a child. Both work flawlessly in all respects. However, if the parent was resized from its default size, when the child is closed the parent reverts to its default
size. So this acts as an inconvenience, not a critical flaw.
I am not intimately familiar with Motif/XD so I am uncertain if
this is by design of motif or something the original programmer could
have prevented. We have noted several occaissions where this occurs,
although only two or three of them are really problems for our users.
I have investigated the 'Callback' concept in Motif but am not really
certain what to look for to prevent this condition, and dont know if
its something I could set within the visu editor so that it wont occur.
Many thanks into any information that can be provided. If the answer
is RTFM, please be specific on which ones =)
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Fri, 04/30/2004 - 10:39#1

Parent resizes to default when child closes

Hello Sam,

the described behavior caused not by Motif, certainly this is prevented by the original programmer.