coloring a XmScrolledList

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coloring a XmScrolledList

Submitted by orank on Mon, 10/07/2002 - 16:01. Developers
Hi dbl,

I am using a scrolled list.
I want the text inside the scrolled list to be colored white.
and the color of the selection rectangle that appears on selected items to be colored in a different color (red for example). The problem is that both of these different items (text and selection rectangle) are set by the XmNforeGround property , I can not find how to separate them so that I can color each one differently .

I will love to get some help -)

(ps when I write here ?selection rectangle? I don?t meat the highlight rectangle that can be colored by using XmNhighlightColor.)



Perhaps you can use the Render Table to color white the XmStrings which are associated with the internal XmList.

Note that white text is hard to read.


Hi dbl ,
Thank you for the ever lasting good will,
I have a problem using render tables since I am stuck with motif 1.2 for now and the render tables are available in later versions of motif.

Is there a way (in motif1.2) to manipulate the XmString?s in side the XmScrolledList to display different color then the foreground color of the XmScrolledList.
