Quick Start Hints

Builder Xcessory is a professional tool for software developers that want the convenience and productivity of a visual design tool. The Best Way to Get Started with BX is to use the tutorials that are included with every BX install. The tutorials and product documentation for BX is installed on your machine during installation and can be accessed through the Help menu.

  1. Depending on your configuration, you may or may not see the objects belonging to the ViewKit and EnhancementPak libraries on the palette. To use ViewKit, you must select "ViewKit" in "Select a Language". (It is under the "Options" menu in the main window of BX.)- If you would like to use EnhancementPak, and do not see its widgets on the BX palette, then under the "Behavior" tab of the "User Preferences" menu item (again under "Options"), select "Start with EPak Widgets". Save your user interface, and restart BX PRO.
  2. Since ViewKit is a comprehensive C++ class library and application framework, it can be confusing at first. To define your components, you should work in "Class Mode". Once you've defined your components, create instances of them in "Instance Mode". This is in contrast to building a standard C-based Motif GUI where you operate completely in instance mode. Tutorial 7 provides a detailed walk through for using ViewKit.
  3. Once you have your GUI defined, make sure you setup the code generation preferences for each of the different language modes you will be using: C, C++, ViewKit, UIL, and Java AWT. This can be done by setting the appropriate values in the "Code Generation Preferences" dialog box that can be brought up by selecting the browser window's "Options" and "Code Generation Preferences" menu.
  4. The compile options and link line for the generated code will vary depending on your system and how things are installed on it. If you are using Linux, you may want to use the following (this is really one line, but may be wrapped by the browser) as a starting point: (the makefile options are available from the "Makefile" tab in the "Code Generations Preferences" dialog box):

    CC=g++ CFLAGS=-I/opt/bxpro-6.0/include -DFUNCPROTO -DXTFUNCPROTO LIBS=-L/opt/bxpro-6.0/lib -lEPak -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lvk -lvkhelp -lXpm -lXm -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXp -lXext -lX11 -lXmu -ldl -lm

  5. If you are using ViewKit or EPak, you made need to indicate the location of the shared libraries. On most UNIX/Linux systems, this is done by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (HP uses SHLIB_PATH):
    % export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/bxpro-6.0/lib/
