Efficient Use of Screen Space

Can I make the Palette smaller so that I can eliminate the need to use the scrollbars to access a widget?

To save screen space, you can click on a Palette collection folder icon to close the folder. For example, if you are tailoring a particular shell and have already laid out the containers, you might want to collapse the Motif Containers to eliminate the need for scroll bars on the Palette. This would provide easier access to the widgets that you need to complete your user interface.

My screen is filled up with shells. Can I set BX to only display the shells I am currently working on?

To save screen space, you can selectively hide shells you are not using. To hide a shell, click on a selected shell name in the Browser Instance or Class list on the left of the Main Window. The shell name is unselected and the shell is hidden.

Note: This does not effect whether the shell is managed, and so visible, when you generate code. See question on "How do I gain control over the display of these Dialog boxes?" if you are trying to control when a particular shell is visible in the actual application.

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